Non-structural flood mitigation
By Giona Cattaneo
Non-structural measures have an important role in reducing the catastrophic consequences of residual risks, but also adverse impacts on the environment (Non-structural Measures: E-Learning Platform for IFM, s. d.). These include the following.
Property surveys
Detailed surveys of residences affected by a flood can increase the accuracy of flood modelling; in this way the people involved can understand the actual impact of flooding on each property.
Land use planning controls
Strategic spatial planning makes it possible to visualise land that is affected by flooding and thus to limit the construction of residential, commercial, and industrial land. Suitability investigations can be required.
Catchment flood modelling
Flood models in developing catchments need to be kept up-to-date to help authorities understand the impact on residents.
Early warning systems
if floods occur at night, early warning systems are needed to give people affected a chance to respond to the impending flood waters. For example, moving with your own vehicle, or retrieving all valuables and implementing personal emergency plans.